Types of MSW Degrees You’ll Find in Texas – Full-time, Part-Time, Accelerated, Advanced Standing, & More

Written by Jack Levinson

grad caps flying through the air

The first step in pursuing a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree is deciding how you would like your academic experience to look.

In this day and age, there are many ways to attend social work masters programs, and students have more and more options to allow them to tailor their experience to meet their needs.

This is a huge asset for prospective master’s students, who previously needed to make bigger commitments and bigger compromises in order to obtain their degrees. In the state of Texas, graduate students have the full range of types of MSW programs on the table, with the result that more students are able to get their social worker masters degrees.

About the Masters of Social Work Degree

Before diving into the different types of MSW programs out there, it’s worth understanding what a master’s degree in social work can get you. In short, an MSW (in accompaniment with the appropriate state license) will grant you the full authority of a social worker. Jobs for social workers can be involved in a huge variety of causes, from child welfare to substance abuse and addiction to immigrants’ needs and more.

If you wish to make a difference in the lives of those in need, becoming a social worker will allow you to directly support individuals, families, and communities directly.

Responsibilities of social workers can include:

  • therapeutic and counseling roles
  • evaluating the immediate and long-term needs of those in crisis
  • case management
  • coordinating resources within and between social service agencies
  • monitoring client progress
  • advocating on behalf of people in need.

For more information about the different job titles for social workers, take a look at our guide here.

It’s important to note that without an MSW, it is not possible to become a full-fledged social worker. While it might be possible to find entry-level positions in social work organizations, one must attend a Master of Social Work program in order to rise in the ranks, which is a necessary step in building a long-term social work career.

Salary of a Social Worker with a Master’s Degree

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Texas ranks among the top five states in the country for its level of employment of social workers in many categories. This should be enticing news for anyone considering pursuing an MSW in the state. Since there is a wide range of titles and specializations for social workers, salaries for Texas-based professionals can range greatly.

The BLS reports the following mean annual salaries for social workers with a master’s degree (grouped by category):

  • Child, family, and school social work: $49,810
  • Healthcare social work: $62,500
  • Mental health and substance abuse social work: $44,100
  • All other categories: $68,500

For more information about Master of Social Work salaries, take a look at our in-depth guide here.

graduate celebrating

1-, 2-, and 3-Year MSW Programs

Depending on your existing qualifications and current scheduling needs, your MSW program can take anywhere from one to three years to complete. As a prospective student, you have some choice about how long you’d like your master’s program to take.

How long it takes you to complete your MSW program should not affect the quality of your education, the depth of your knowledge, or the degree you end up with.

In other words, any of these educational paths will leave you with the same Master of Social Work degree, making you eligible for the same jobs.

Your program type and duration will determine the amount of class time and assignments you have, allowing students who are juggling school with outside responsibilities to slow down their coursework to a more manageable level. This means these considerations should come down to your availability and the amount of time you are able to focus on your studies.

Traditional MSW

Traditional full-time Master of Social Work programs take two years to complete, including all your classes and field work hours. In this day and age, there are many fully online two-year MSW programs, giving students the opportunity to complete their education at the standard pace while offering them greater convenience than an on-campus program.

Courses in a traditional MSW program tend to begin with an overview of the history and methodologies of the social work profession, as well as introductions to the many subfields of social work that students may choose as focus areas for their professions. In their second year of school, students often have more elective options to help develop their areas of specialization further.

Advanced Standing MSW

The curriculum for those in Bachelor of Social Work programs covers many of the foundational materials included in a Master of Social Work education. For this reason, those who hold BSWs are eligible for Advanced Standing MSW programs, which abridge the coursework of an MSW program to a single year, essentially bypassing the first two semesters of a traditional program. These programs are designed to help motivated BSW holders achieve their career goals more quickly, having already invested four years’ worth of undergraduate study of the social work profession.

There are many excellent accredited Advanced Standing MSW programs in Texas, all of which will leave students with the same degree and eligibility for licensing as a traditional program. This makes them a no-brainer for anyone who holds a BSW degree. For further convenience, there are many online Advanced Standing MSW programs for those who wish to complete their education remotely.

Advanced Standing MSW requirements are fairly strict: one must hold a BSW in order to be eligible for these expedited programs. In other words, if your bachelor’s degree is in a subject other than Social Work, you will not be able to get into one of these programs. However, there are some accelerated 16-month MSW programs that are open to non-BSW applicants. (See the section below for more information.)

Accelerated MSW

It is not possible to complete a 1 year MSW program with no BSW. However, there are some 16-month MSW programs online and in-person, also known as Accelerated MSWs, that are available even for students whose bachelor degrees are in other subjects. These are very intensive programs that will likely not be feasible for those who wish to hold other jobs while in school.

Part-Time (3-Year) MSW

For students who do not hold BSWs but also cannot take on a full-time 2-year MSW program online or in-person, there are also many part-time programs which typically take three years to complete. These programs involve fewer courses per semester, allowing students to continue working or tending to family responsibilities while they are in school. Many of these programs offer night-time or weekend classes to help meet students’ logistical needs.

enjoying coffee while on computer at home

How an Online MSW Can Work for You

If you’re hoping to attend a Social Work Masters program online, good news: it’s easier than ever to find terrific options that will allow you to do just that.

The arrival of remote learning options has been a huge boon for students in all disciplines, who now have a far greater variety of choices to help them pursue their education.

Indeed, there are many excellent online MSW programs in Texas that hold full accreditation from the CSWE, meaning it’s easier than ever to obtain a Master of Social Work degree without interrupting the rest of your life. These programs make it possible for many students who cannot take on a full-time in-person course load to still pursue their professional goals.

The coursework for online social work degrees in Texas is no different from that of an in-person program. In fact, many programs that offer online MSWs in Texas also offer on-campus programs with the same course offerings. The main difference comes down to logistics and convenience. Online MSW programs are designed to meet a variety of scheduling needs, with numerous part-time, night-time, and weekend classes available. There are even 16-month MSW programs online for those who are ready to attend online school on an intensive full-time schedule.

It’s worth noting that if you are pursuing an online social work degree in Texas, you will still be expected to complete your mandatory field work hours in person. However, students who live far from their school campuses have the opportunity to pursue field work placements in local organizations, greatly easing the convenience of attending such a program.


Though you may not realize it, there are actually multiple levels of social work license related to the type of work and scope of responsibilities you hope to take on in your career.

If you intend to perform direct counseling or therapy for individuals, couples, and families, you will need to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).

In Texas, as with many states, becoming an LCSW has additional requirements beyond the completion of an MSW program, namely the completion of 3,000 hours (approximately two years) of supervised field work. This is a formal and rigorously overseen process administered by the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council (BHEC).

Many who wish to become LCSWs begin pursuing this while in school. While this will not expedite the process of obtaining your license, it will give you the best preparation possible for the advanced responsibilities of a clinical social worker. Because of this, there are many Clinical Social Work masters programs, including online Clinical MSWs. If you know at the outset of your academic experience that this is the type of work you’d like to pursue – even if you don’t yet know your focus areas – it’s worth looking into the best MSW programs for clinical social work to gain the advanced expertise you need to thrive in the field.

For more information about becoming an LCSW, visit our step-by-step guide here . For more information about the career of an LCSW and the top clinical social work master’s programs, visit our overview here .


Dual Degrees

For highly motivated students who wish to merge their pursuit of social work with another interest, there are several types of MSW dual degree program that can help you earn all of the credentials you need simultaneously. Though they take more time to complete than an MSW program on its own, they will leave you with impressive credentials that can help you take the reins on a high-level career merging social work with another area of expertise. Take a look at some of the top options below.

MSW/JD Dual Degree Programs

For those who wish to combine a passion for social work with a grounding in legal expertise, a dual MSW/JD program will help you do just that. (JD, or Juris Doctor, is the graduate degree one receives upon completing law school.) These programs are well-suited to those who wish to pursue advocacy roles in government organizations and nonprofits to help address the needs of disadvantaged individuals on a policy level. There are numerous MSW/JD dual degree programs in Texas, typically taking four years to complete.

MSW/MPH Dual Degree Programs

If you are interested in the specialized field of public health alongside social work, you may decide to take on an MSW/MPH dual degree program, which will leave you with both a Master of Social Work and Master of Public Health degree. This is another academic track that can leave you well disposed to pursue a career in public advocacy with a focus on healthcare. There are several MSW/MPH dual degree programs in Texas which typically take three years to complete.

MSW/MBA Dual Degree Programs

Business-minded students who are also passionate about social causes can merge their two interests in an MSW/MBA dual degree program, which will confer you with a Master of Social Work and Master of Business Administration. This is a great choice for those who have ambitions to run social work organizations of their own. These programs typically take three years to complete.

MSW/Phd Dual Degree Programs

If you would like to not only study social work but teach it, it’s possible to link your MSW education directly with your pursuit of a PhD. These programs typically take around five and a half years to complete, devoting the first three and a half years to coursework and around two years to complete your doctoral dissertation.

Funding Your MSW

For many students, attending graduate school feels like a pie-in-the-sky dream made impossible by the sheer cost of higher education.

Fortunately, there are many options that motivated students can take advantage of to reduce or eliminate the cost of their MSW programs, putting their education and professional goals within reach.

Stipend Masters

In Texas, many schools offer scholarships, fellowships, and stipends to help offset the high cost of school. There are also independent organizations offering MSW stipends in Texas, contributing to tuition and other school expenses. As an applicant, it’s critical to do your homework on the available stipends and scholarships that are out there to help you pursue your MSW, as many of them require applications of their own, some of them due around the same time as your degree program applications.

For students interested in focusing on child welfare causes, the MSW Title IV-E Stipend Program is a nationwide effort making it easier for students in states all over the country (including Texas) to fund their academic pursuits. You can find more information about the Texas Title IV-E Stipend Program at the Texas Department of Family Protective Services website.

Fully Funded MSW Programs

Finally, it is possible at some schools to receive full funding for your MSW program. These are typically determined as you apply for financial aid from your school. Some of these offerings are merit-based, looking at factors like GPA and the strength of your application. It is always worth applying for financial assistance, as it can make all the difference in making your career goals possible.

All data included in this article is taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics May 2022 reports, accessed January 2024.


Do I need an MSW to become a social worker?

Yes. In order to be eligible for a social work license in Texas, you must hold an MSW degree from an accredited institution. Without a master’s degree, you will not be able to take full-fledged social worker positions in social work organizations.

Who is eligible to attend an accelerated MSW program? Is it possible to attend an accelerated MSW program without a BSW?

Only those who hold BSWs are eligible to attend Advanced Standing MSW programs, also known as accelerated Master’s in Social Work programs, as their undergraduate curriculum overlaps with the first year of a traditional MSW program. However, there are some 16-month MSWs with no BSW required, offering the fastest track possible for those who haven’t previously studied social work.

Can I pursue an MSW on a part-time schedule?

Yes. It is possible to pursue both a traditional and an Advanced Standing MSW on a part-time schedule, which typically extends the projected duration of your program by a year. This is an excellent option for students who need to work or uphold family responsibilities while in school.

Can I obtain my master’s degree through an online MSW program?

Yes! It’s easier than ever for Texas-based social work students to receive their degrees online, with many accredited universities now offering fully remote program options. If your chosen program is CSWE accredited (which it absolutely must be in order to leave you eligible for state licensing), you will graduate with the same credentials as a student who attended an in-person program. However, take note that even students in online social work programs will be expected to complete their field work in person.

Is it possible to get an MSW at the same time as another advanced degree?

Yes. There are numerous dual degree MSW programs in Texas that allow students to pursue their Master of Social Work alongside another degree, such as a Juris Doctor (for students interested in legal advocacy), Master of Public Health (for those interested in healthcare advocacy), Master of Business Administration (for those who would like to lead social work organizations), and PhD (for students who would like to eventually become professors). These programs tend to take several years longer than MSW programs on their own, but leave you with a higher degree of expertise and leadership skill.