About TexasSocialWorkEDU.org

Social workers in the Lone Star State covers a lot of territory – both in the physical and the cultural sense. They’re standing by while refugees come across the Rio Grande, but also from lands as distant as Syria and China. They’re dealing with the fallout of the fentanyl crisis in rural enclaves and neighborhoods throughout Houston and Dallas. They’re making sure the children of roughnecks out in the oil fields around Midland and offshore for weeks at a time get the support they need at school.

Tackling all that requires the right education and licensing. Until you get those things, you’re going to need some Texas-sized support yourself. And TexasSocialWorkEDU brings that to the table.

Drawing on a team of experts, we’ve put together a site that integrates all the practical information, up-to-date data, and emerging trends you need to know about to realize your dream of supporting your fellow Texans.

Who we Are

Our Contributors and Content Creators Put The Exact Information You Need All in One Place

It’s a team effort to build a website, just as much as it is to provide social services. Where you may need a team of counselors, teachers, social scientists, lobbyists, and volunteers to accomplish your goal, we draw on researchers, IT experts, graphic designers, writers, and editors to develop our go-to resource.

Together, we’ve put our all into developing the clearest, most up-to-date resource you will find for getting the education and license you need to get into the field and start making a real difference in the lives of people right here in Texas.

jack levinson

Jack Levinson

Jack Levinson is a writer born and raised in Los Angeles. He received his bachelor’s degree from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. When not writing, his interests include the arts, cooking, and exploring the California coast.