Find Schools in Texas Offering Social Work Degree Programs

Written by Jack Levinson

female student hard at work

If you’re based in Texas and are eager to pursue a career as a social worker, you’re in a great location to do so. There are numerous excellent colleges in Texas that offer Master of Social Work programs, equipping students with the knowledge and skills needed to launch thriving and long-lasting careers in the field.

You shouldn’t have to look far to find stellar schools in Texas with social work degree programs, as there are strong options in cities all over the state.

These programs are offered in a variety of delivery formats (on-campus, online, and hybrid) and often offered in full-time and part-time formats, giving students the opportunity to tailor their educational experiences to match their particular needs.

In fact, with so many options out there, the real challenge of finding an MSW program is determining which of the many excellent graduate schools for social work in Texas is right for you. If you’re just beginning your search for an MSW program, you may feel daunted deciding between the many offerings available to you as a Texas-based student.

This guide is intended to provide aspiring social workers with a useful framework from which they can make informed choices as they decide between Texas colleges that offer social work degrees. For those at the outset of their educational journey, this can be a helpful tool to assist you in the exciting but potentially stressful experience of applying for degree programs. Read on to learn about the key considerations you should have in mind while you’re evaluating possible schools.

Social Work Degree Levels

Before anything else, prospective social work students must determine which level of social work degree they are eligible to pursue.

In order to become a licensed social worker in Texas, one must hold a Master of Social Work (MSW) degree, but one can only enter an MSW program if they already hold a bachelor’s degree.

Fortunately, if you don’t yet hold a bachelor’s degree, there is a way to expedite your eventual social work grad school experience, allowing you to pursue your career goals as quickly as possible.

Master of Social Work (MSW)

A Master of Social Work is the requisite degree to apply for social work licensing in Texas, meaning obtaining one is a must for anyone who wishes to enter the social work field. If you already hold a bachelor’s degree, this will be your next step in pursuing a social work career. (If you don’t yet hold a bachelor’s degree, proceed to the section below.)

The typical duration of an MSW program is two years, which includes a mix of class time and field work. During this time, students will learn intensively about the core tenets of the social work profession, the greatest issues affecting disadvantaged communities throughout Texas and the greater U.S., the range of focus areas in the overall social work profession, and best practices for providing care to people in need. This will prepare you for the great responsibilities of a social worker, providing crucial context to understand major issues in American society and furnishing you with the skills needed to handle a variety of sensitive situations.

MSW degrees are the most common form of social work degree, and therefore can be found at any schools in Texas with social work degree programs. Fortunately for those now applying to MSW programs, there are many online schools for social work in Texas, including many run by older, prestigious universities that have long offered in-person models and have recently expanded into virtual learning formats as well. This puts incoming students at a tremendous advantage, giving them more options to choose from and sparing them the significant inconvenience of relocating to be close to school. (More information about online colleges in Texas for social work can be found further below.)

Bachelor of Social Work (BSW)

If you don’t yet hold a bachelor’s degree but are eager to begin working toward a career in social work, you will benefit from obtaining a Bachelor of Social Work degree. Though not required in order to apply for Master of Social Work programs, BSWs are an excellent entry point for undergraduates who want to get their feet wet in the social work field.

Beyond allowing motivated students to begin learning about social work before they start their MSW programs, BSWs offer a major advantage to prospective social workers. Since the curriculum of a BSW program overlaps with the first year of MSW coursework, those who hold BSWs are uniquely eligible for Advanced Standing MSWs, which consolidate all remaining MSW requirements into a single year. In other words, while those who hold other types of bachelor’s degrees are only eligible to enroll in traditional two-year MSW programs, those with BSWs can shave a year off their graduate education, diving into their professional lives more quickly.

Not all colleges with social work programs in Texas offer BSW degrees, so it’s important to do your research on available concentrations at whatever undergraduate colleges you’re applying to.

male student studying in the library

Online MSW Programs Allow You to Pursue Your Education from Wherever You Are

There’s no shortage of excellent MSW programs in Texas, with options for social work school in Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and more. However, for students who live outside of Texas’ major cities, it is easier than ever to pursue a social work degree thanks to online education options.

Traditional on-campus graduate programs require students to commute to school daily, with those who live far away having to relocate in order to attend classes. This can be so expensive and time consuming that it all but eliminates the option of attending a social work program for prospective students who don’t live close to any schools offering MSW programs. With online delivery models, students no longer have to weigh such costs in order to consider attending school.

Students in online MSW programs have the freedom to take their classes from the comfort of their own home, greatly improving access to education and in turn, bringing more people into the social work profession.

By eliminating commute times and the burden of moving to be closer to school, students who also are holding other responsibilities outside of their studies – such as continued employment while in school and childcare – now have far greater control over their schedules. These are also factors that once made graduate school inaccessible for many, meaning this option goes beyond convenience – for some, it’s an all-out game changer.

There are many accredited social worker schools online, some of them run by Texas’ most prestigious universities. Upon graduating, those who have attended online programs will hold the same Master of Social Work degree that they would receive from an in-person program. This is to say that online MSW programs can provide as rich and comprehensive of a social work education as on-campus programs, while offering an unprecedented opportunity for students to pursue their education on their own terms.

Choosing Between Social Work Schools in Texas: Factors to Consider

Once you’ve determined which social work degree level you’re eligible for, it’s time to wheedle down your list of schools further. Below are a few of the most important factors for you to consider as you select the programs you wish to apply for.


Of any consideration you must take before acquiring your MSW degree, accreditation is the very most important.

In order to qualify for state licensing, your Master of Social work degree must be from an accredited institution.

This ensures that all practicing social workers have received an education that meets the state’s curricular criteria. Obtaining an MSW from a non-accredited university will not make it possible to pursue licensing – in other words, it will be useless in your journey to starting a social work career. For this reason, it’s essential that the programs you apply for are properly accredited.

While you are encouraged to do your own research on any program that appeals to you, the MSW programs featured on this website are all accredited, making them truly viable options for your academic plans.

Focus Area

Not every student enters their MSW program knowing which social work focus area they wish to pursue. This is perfectly normal, and it means that you will get to use your Master of Social Work education as an opportunity to learn about a variety of issues, finding the causes that you most gravitate toward. However, if you already know what type of social work you would like to devote your career to, it can be helpful to keep this in mind when looking at schools.

Different MSW programs offer different concentrations, with some schools specializing in particular areas of the social work profession, such as healthcare social work. While most MSW programs can prepare students for careers in any area of specialization within the social work field, those who are specifically motivated to work in a particular area may find the most focused support at a school that is known for its classes on that subject. Some of these schools also have cultivated relationships with social work organizations that allow students unique field work opportunities, giving them the opportunity to build specialized skills while they’re still in school.

For this reason, it’s a good idea to take a look at the concentration options at the different MSW programs on your list. Though not an out-and-out requirement for prospective social work students, it can be a helpful factor in helping you decide where you’ll receive the best education for your goals.

License Level

Another consideration that is not required but can nevertheless be helpful for forward-looking applicants is the level of license you wish to obtain once you graduate from your MSW program. Social work licenses determine the scope of responsibilities you are permitted to take on in your practice.

There are two primary types of social work license available in Texas: Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW) and Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW). An LMSW will allow you to perform any social work responsibilities outside of clinical practice (which is the term used to refer to counseling and therapy). Those who wish to hold therapist roles as social workers will need to obtain an LCSW credential in order to do so.

As with focus areas, many students enter MSW programs without a clear sense of which license level they’d like to obtain after grad school. However, for those who do know what type of work most appeals to them, you may be able to refine your search for MSW programs. There are some schools in Texas that offer clinical social work programs that are especially focused on building the skills needed to work as a therapist. Though one can still pursue an LCSW credential without having attended one of these programs, doing so may benefit your education and offer you especially illuminating field work experiences.

group throwing grad caps into the air

Find the Social Work Program in Texas That’s Right for You

Prospective social work students have a variety of unique needs and concerns that must be taken into account when selecting programs to apply to. Understanding that all students’ criteria for schools are different, we have compiled several different directories of social work universities in Texas to help applicants find the best option for them.

Accredited MSW Programs

This guide provides a complete index of accredited social work colleges in Texas, including program options in all major cities in the state as well as many other locations. These include a mix of in-person, online, and hybrid delivery models, as well as programs with full-time and part-time scheduling options.

Affordable MSW Programs

Those who are concerned about the cost of graduate school can find many excellent affordable social work programs in Texas that will allow you to pursue your education without breaking the bank. In fact, many of the most affordable graduate schools in Texas for social work are esteemed programs that will offer you excellent career development and skill-building.

Best MSW Programs

If you’re looking to apply to the highest-ranking social work programs in Texas, this guide will help you find what you’re looking for. This list includes all the top Texas colleges that offer social work degrees. If you’re a stellar student, you’ll be a great candidate to apply for these respected Master of Social Work programs.

Regions and Cities

There are fantastic educational opportunities for aspiring social workers throughout the state of Texas, including social work schools in Austin, TX; colleges in Dallas, TX for social work; social worker schools in San Antonio, TX; and many more. This guide organizes all available MSW program options by region, with information about unique opportunities in each location.


For those who wish to learn more about social work programs at Texas’ major universities, this guide will provide a complete lay of the land. This can help you get a sense of the advantages of each school so that you can enter the application process with as much information as possible.


Do I need to hold an MSW in order to practice social work in Texas?

Yes. Social workers in Texas are legally required to hold a state license, and Master of Social Work is required in order to qualify for licensure. This means that if you are hoping to pursue a career in social work, obtaining an MSW is a must.

Is there a difference between coursework in on-campus MSW programs vs. online MSW programs?

No. All accredited online MSW programs cover the same material as you would find in an in-person program. In fact, many online programs are spun off from existing in-person programs, meaning you may even take classes with the same professors you would have if you were attending the same school on campus.

Will a degree from an online MSW program qualify me for the same job opportunities as a degree from an in-person program?

Yes. Students who attend any type of MSW program – be it online or in-person, full-time or part-time – will graduate with the same Master of Social Work degree, rendering them eligible for the same work opportunities.

Do I need to attend a program that offers a concentration in clinical social work in order to become an LCSW?

No. Those who hold MSWs are eligible to pursue a Licensed Clinical Social Worker credential no matter what program they attended (as long as it is accredited). The advantage of attending a school with a clinical concentration is that your graduate coursework will provide you with focused preparation to take on clinical duties. However, not all MSW programs offer clinical concentrations, and the Texas Behavioral Health Executive Council does not stipulate that LCSW applicants hold any particular concentration in their MSW degrees.